Monday, July 20, 2009

Abortions, Sex Changes, Elective Plastic Surgery, & Viagra?


Even though I'm a 100 Pro-Choice Democrat who is all for health care reform (Not supportive of the HMO's) as well as being anti-gay.

Is it fair and/or right that the general public should have to foot the bill to pay for Abortions, Sex Changes, Elective Plastic Surgery (boob jobs & other such vanity nonsense) or what about Viagra to boost the self esteem/satisfaction of an elderly man/couple

And what about mental issues? Are we going to pay for counseling for gays coping with their sexuality? What about other perversions?

Shouldn't these types of elective procedures be out of pocket.


Yes, I am pro-choice and if they are going for universal health care, most of the things you talk about would probably be included. However, what is the matter with insurance companies who refuse to help those that require weight loss surgery? To have that surgery would make one less vulnerable for strokes, heart attacks, liver problems, diabetes and a wealth of other diseases. They refuse it because it is considered "cosmetic" when it is anything but that! Abortions, sex-change surgery, Elective plastic surgery and Viagra costs are as vane and disgusting as any medical cost could be. We need to force the insurance companies to cover medical costs that would reduce the chances of getting cancer, heart attacks, strokes and etc. It has to be done. There is no way around this, but the treatments for the abortions, sex-change surgery, elective plastic surgery and Viagra are frivolous and those that want it covered must have to pay a bigger premium for such treatments. Bariatrics is not vane - it is a necessity. Gays that want coverage - what can one say? Being gay is a choice and nothing else. Viagra? Just plain pathetic! Source(s):…

With this source are several other points of view. Choice or not, it should not be hanging out there like underwear. Sexual function and practice is never something to talk about - we can and must understand that it is in poor taste.

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