Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How much viagra does David Letterman take before watching his prize DVD of Katie Couric's colonscopy?



LOL yeah Letterman deserves every word of what you've posted here. He's an adult..if he can dish it out he can take it right?

Speaking of colonoscopies, Dave supports Obama and his plan for Rationed Health care right? So let me ask you libs something. Lets say Obama gets his way and we're 5yrs down the road and Letterman gets gravely ill but the treatment he needs to survive is Not on the 'government approved' list. Do you really think Dave is going to get in line behind YOU and DIE while he's waiting? Hell no, he's going to Jamaica or some other place where the best doctors will have set up shop while YOU are left here stuck with whatever the government decides you can have. The Feds will literally be deciding who (among the poor) will live and die but Letterman and Rosie and Michael Moore and Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn will skip out on you because they're wealthy enough to avoid the consequences of what they're helping to Force You Into! You know I'm right.

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